Vet Coach Transition Tips
Transitioning from active duty military to the civilian job market can be a daunting experience, especially if you’ve spent your entire adult life on active duty. In the Vet Coach Transition Tips podcast, join former Navy Lieutenant Pat Bergstresser as he navigates the transition process for military veterans step by step. We’ll talk through resumes, interviews, LinkedIn, and most importantly, if you should grow a beard for your first civilian interview. If you’re still on active duty, a veteran who’s been out for several years, or you just finished Transition GPS/TAPS class and realized it was a complete waste of time, this podcast will help guide you through the process of what to do and how to successfully find a fulfilling career in the civilian world.To access this podcast and more, visit
Vet Coach Transition Tips
LinkedIn Part 10 - Networking Informational Interviews
June 16, 2022
Pat Bergstresser
Season 4
Episode 10
So this isn’t quite your traditional interview. You won’t be interviewing for any potential role - but this new contact you’re about to have your first call with could be pivotal when you start applying to roles. So you want to put your best foot forward in that initial conversation. Here we cover how to approach the call to make it productive, how to best connect with the new connection, and building a foundation for expanding your network.